Scoops Ahoy ice cream

An ocean of flavours

Scoops Ahoy the peanut experiment ice cream

The Peanut Experiment

Calling all science nerds. Our technicians have fused peanut ice cream with chocolate ice cream, salted caramel and peanut pieces for a taste explosion that's out of this world.

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Sccops Ahoy starcourt strawberry cheesecake ice cream


Get ready to be swept off your feet
on a swirling strawberry tide, rippling through creamy cheesecake flavoured ice cream.
Hold on to your shortbread, sweetheart.

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Scoops Ahoy triple choc shadow ice cream

Triple Choc Shadow

Don’t try to resist this cocooning
milk chocolate ice cream,
spiked with white chocolate chips.
Watch out for the cocoa pastry shards, they bite!

Nutritional info
Sccops Ahoy the mint void ice cream

The Mint Void

Close your eyes and open your mind to the idea of strawberry fruit spiralling
down into mint ice cream depths. The Belgian chocolate pieces are totally gnarly.

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